dilluns, 8 de febrer del 2010

2. When was it written?

it was written in 1597

3. What type of text is it: novel, poem or play?

Is a tragic poem and a play

4. What is the origin of the story?

The argument is based on the in a Italian story of Matteo Bandello

5. Who is the author?

The autor is William Shakespeare

6. Where was the author from?

He is english

7. Do you know other works by him?

was a playwright, poet and actor

8. Who was the King/Queen in his country when Romeo and Juliet was written?

The queen was Isabel I.

9. Was he/she important? Why?

She was very important but is the queen and se haved the three powers

10.What social norms existed in that time for young people and marriage?

the womens had married with friends of his fathers and with economic objectives

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